Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Senior Prom Dress

So it has been 8 years since my senior prom.  (Don't calculate that because I will just feel old.  Haha)  Back in May I took this picture to show my sister-in-law what my senior prom dress looked like because she was going shopping for her prom dress.  To make it a little fun, I wanted to see if I could even squeeze myself into it.  Surprisingly, I actually managed to fit it!  But it did feel a bit tight around my stomach/waist area.  Have any of you ever tried on old dresses from special occasions?  I think my dress is still in great condition.  It is just a shame I will not really have much chances to wear it again unless my daughter would like to wear it to her prom one day.  =)  

I noticed that the style nowadays are short, puffy dresses.  What did your prom dress look like?  This was just a nice blast from the past.  

What are your thoughts?

Thanks for reading,


  1. Absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! Kudos to you, girl, for still being able to fit back in it so well - especially after 8 years ;)

    Since I'm older than rocks, my prom dress hit the *pitch* pile eons ago, though now I wish I'd kept it just for kicks. It was all taffeta, chiffon, etc with big poofy sleeves and teensy blue flowers scattered all over the body of the dress. I remember thinking how beautiful it was when I bought it - back in 1975 :O

  2. Very pretty! Almost like a wedding dress ;)

  3. Aww this is such a pretty dress! :D~~
    I have been seeing puffy dresses in magazines, but during my prom, more people were still in long dresses. I think long dresses just look so extravagant and mature so I like 'em more! Haha

  4. ohh if you've kept it this long I bet you'll find an occasion for it again :)

  5. I love how simple the dress is... I especially love the lace-up back!

    Mine was fairly simple: red and strapless with a bit of beading at the top and a long A-line skirt. Sadly, I don't fit into it 3 years lately and I don't want to... it's too big. >.<

  6. Yay you still fit into your prom dress. I don't even know where mine is residing at. You look so pretty.
    Beauty, Fashion and Seattle | Cheap Makeup Reviews

  7. I love drsses with strappy backs! It looks great on you!


  8. JUST to prove how completely different I was in HS from how I am now: I didn't go to my prom. I was in Student Council and I went to the Senior Prom as a Sophomore, but I spent it sitting with the teachers. Haha. So my prom dress was none!

    You look great, as usual!

  9. I tried fitting into my prom dress two years ago for a wedding....I couldn't zip it up at all so I had to rush out to get another dress on the day of the wedding T-T. My goal is to be able to fit back into my senior prom dress :)

  10. Aww, thank you. I was thinking my daughter might want to use it one day but then again it might not be the style in ilke 18 years from now. LOL

  11. hehe, thanks! I actually wanted to wear it for a part of my wedding reception b/c it's the first thing my husband ever saw me in. But that was when I was with my ex and he was my best friend's date. LOL

  12. I definitely agree!!! As much as the short puffy dresses are pretty, I think those are something you could wear at any party whereas long formal dresses are much rare to wear often.

  13. Thank you! That back was my favorite. Hehe. Aww! Maybe you could get it fitted? It sounds like a beautiful dress.

  14. Whaaat?! You didn't go to your prom! Proms are so fun though! Lol.

  15. Good luck! I think you can definitely do it!

  16. What a pretty dress :)
    two weeks ago, my granny had her wedding gown cleaned as it was really old and she wanted to save it for me. it was so beautiful. full on lace gown with intricate embroideries. anyway, i tried it on and it fit me like a glove! :) i was so surprised 'cause if i remember my granny's waistline when she was a teenager was around 19-22 inches. the funny part? my uncle got scared of me 'cause he thought i was a ghost. HAHAHA!

  17. Hahahaha well not such a good idea then i guess ;)


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