Review: Dr. Scholl’s For Her Cozy Cushions Insoles
With winter quickly approaching, I have been getting excited taking out my winter gear once again especially my cute boots. The only thing I do not like about my boots are that they tend to get a little uncomfortable if I walk in them for too long outdoors. Not to mention my toes get a bit cold. So I was eager to try out this Dr. Scholl’s For Her Cozy Cushions thanks to Influenster for providing this in my RoseVoxBox.
Dr. Scholl’s For Her Cozy Cushions help keep feet warm and dry while providing all-day comfort. Their multi-layer design helps insulate the foot while two plush layers provide extra cushioning. Cozy Cushions help keep feet dry by absorbing perspiration and offer superior support on hard surfaces.
It does look rather comfy to wear. It is a bit blurry, but on the bottom of the insoles it shows the different sizes you could cut it down to fit in your boots.
Onto my final thoughts.. Even though I had cut my insoles down to the correct size, I had to fold one side of the insoles to get it to actually fit into my boot since it is a little narrow. It did take a bit of a struggle and I was lucky that my boots had a zipper to make it a little easier. But even though I managed to get it in, it made everything a tight squeeze once I actually stuck my foot inside and that was without socks. I really wanted to like this product but it did not workout for me. Perhaps if I ever buy rain boots in the future, it will work with those.
What are your thoughts?
Thanks for reading,
FTC: Items were provided by Influenster for testing purposes. I am not getting paid for blog post. This is my honest opinion.
Tags: Dr. Scholls, Shoes